Counseling4Life provides emotionally supportive therapy.
Legal and Personal Situations involving your Treatment
We do not accept cases related to legal or personal matters, such as workers' compensation, nor do we evaluate or complete paperwork for emotional support animals. We can only complete adavits, including disability, FMLA, or similar forms, with conrmation of your condition from the doctor who evaluated you. Treatment summaries are provided only for the care you have received. We do not evaluate or complete paperwork for emotional support animals. If your case involves any of these issues, your provider will discontinue services and provide you with referrals. If your provider is required to participate in a legal situation a $3,000 retainer is required, with additional fees at $300 per hour for document preparation and consultation. This covers your provider’s time, legal and professional consultations, legal representations, travel, administrative fees, and court presence. Full payment is required before any court or expert testimony is provided.
Therapists cannot provide opinions or documentation on custody issues and will suspend therapy during custody disputes. For such matters, consult a custody specialist. For questions or concerns, contact your child’s therapist. All legal fees are outlined in the All Practice Polices, Acknowledgement, and Consent for Counseling4Life,LLC and GoodMindrx, LLC.
You must request your client record in writing by completing the Request for Mental Health Records Authorization form at the button below. Contact our Front Office at (210) 209-0642 for questions about obtaining your records. A signed release of information, specifying the records and recipient, along with full payment, is required before your request can be processed. Records cannot be withheld for unpaid medical bills, but fees for copying and providing records must be paid. Fees for Records Requests:
● Paper Copies: A at fee of $30 for paper copy records.
● Electronic Copies: A at fee of up to $25 for records provided via fax, email, or client portal.
● Postage: Postage costs of $15 per item will be added for mailed records.
● Notary: Notary costs of $20 per request will be added to each request.
● Affidavit Fee (letter, treatment summary, report, assessment, form): A fee of $150 for executing an affidavit attesting to the client's diagnosis, condition, or treatment summary; additional fees may apply.
Family, and Minor Records:
● Consent from all client parties is required for the release of couples and family therapy records.
● Minor records are released only per the most recent court order specifying their release.